Transcript – Karen Tisdell
LinkedIn for board members, tips and tricks for being recruited and networking
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Helga Svendsen 0:00
Today on the Take on Board podcast, I’m speaking with Karen Tisdell, about LinkedIn and what board directors know about LinkedIn. Many of you already know that I’m a fan of LinkedIn, you’ll get to hear from somebody else about why it’s important. Karen, can I get you to introduce yourself to the take on board community?
Karen Tisdell 0:18
Hello. It’s great to be with you today. So I write a lot of a lot of profiles for board directors as some of my absolute favorite clients. I’m so thrilled to be with you today. So I’ve been running LinkedIn profiles since 2009. That is a long time, right? Really long time. I started using LinkedIn in 2005, I was an early adopter, using LinkedIn to headhunt for people and went on maternity leave was a bit bored, had an argument with my husband about returning to work. And so now just start writing LinkedIn profiles from home, and it has just grown and grown and grown. So I do also do quite a bit of LinkedIn training as well. But LinkedIn profile writing is my core thing. So I’m really thrilled to be giving lots of tips to your audience today.
Helga Svendsen 1:03
Fantastic. Well, I’m looking forward to hearing them and seeing what I pick up about what my own profile, but I’m sure others will also get huge value from it. It’s such a powerful tool. People on this podcast have heard me talk about it before. So it’s great to talk to another, you know, I don’t know what’s the word LinkedIn? Evangelist,
Karen Tisdell 1:23
Evangelist? Yeah, that’s what we are. We’re evangelists. Absolutely. In fact, that’s even how we connect isn’t it? Because I reached out to you, because I’d heard quite a few of my couple of my clients had been on your show. And I’d reached out and said, Oh, you know, I love this episode with so and so. And you know, can we connect? And you were like, No, how about we know we have a virtual coffee catch up? And then maybe we might connect? And I just love that approach of yours isn’t one you’ve always had?
Helga Svendsen 1:52
Yes. And well, one that I can as long as I can remember? Yes. Because most of the people, again, people on the podcast probably have heard me talking about this. But I won’t connect with people unless I’ve actually met them. You get all a little connect here. And I just won’t hit yes, until I’ve met people. But what I do is I always respond like I did with you, Karen and said, Oh, thank you love to connect, but I only connect with people I know. So why don’t we meet and I send a link. So we’re gonna have a virtual cuppa. And I’ve met some fabulous people in that way. I’ve also not heard back from stacks of people. And I’m fine with that. If people just want to hit click and connect and don’t want to respond with a real personal response of meeting people. I’m fine not to connect with them. As LinkedIn gets used more and more often you get more and more requests to connect. So I think years ago, it wasn’t so much of an issue. It was only people that knew you that would reach out, whereas now it’s not the way it works. So well, it is for me.
Karen Tisdell 2:48
I think that’s a really good strategy. And I think it’s really important that we are careful with who we connect with. But also that we’re open minded as well. So, you know, I secured one of my biggest early speaking gigs, through an approach like yours, where I actually, you know, years ago, years and years ago, and it wasn’t the whole truth, because I would connect with people who I hadn’t met. And we would build a relationship online. But I received an invitation to connect from somebody who was quite influential and quite important. And I was just like, oh my gosh, I’m so excited to have an, an invitation to connect from you. However, I do really like to meet people. So it wasn’t a miss truth. But I said, I do like to meet people who are in my network, when we make a time to meet now Calendly wasn’t around then. So you made it so easy. You were like, you know, I mean, if people can’t invest half an hour, you know, or sort of 20 minutes for a catch up, you know, they can always do so next month or the months after. I mean, you made it so easy, either. So I ended up catching up for coffee with somebody. And that turned up into a huge piece of work. So I think it’s a great approach for people. But I do think the board directors can sometimes be a bit tend to think sometimes a bit like, oh, I don’t want to connect with anybody sometimes. And I think it’s important to think about who do you need to know, especially if you’re really early in your board career, you know, you might have a lot of people who you were connected to when you were CEO. But there’s a big difference from being an executive and being in a tactical role to being a board director and having a lot of contacts who are also board directors and chairs and, you know, and the right recruitment network and that sort of thing. So I think you need to be selective but open minded and try as much as possible to nurture those copies, whether they’re virtual or otherwise. So I love how you did that.
Helga Svendsen 4:42
Well, it means that we get to have conversations like this as well. And look, we’re already into talking LinkedIn and I haven’t even got to ask you my background question, so I’m going to do that.
Karen Tisdell 4:52
My excitements running away with myself. I’ve got so much to get okay. Like your background question.
Helga Svendsen 4:57
And likewise, man, it’s like oh, LinkedIn anyway, no. So before, which is not really before we delve into LinkedIn, because we already have, but before we continue that conversation, Karen, I always love to just know a little bit more about the person that I’m speaking to, or to be able to share that with and take on board communities. So can you tell me a story about young Karen, that tells us a little bit about how you got to where you are today?
Karen Tisdell 5:20
I think an interesting story. What’s interesting to me, I don’t suppose it’s interesting to many others, really. But I think it’s quite interesting and quite ironic that as a really small child, I was kind of bookworm. And I always dreamed of writing other people’s autobiographies. So you would think of that as a ghostwriter. But I didn’t know the expression ghostwriter, then, and I just, I love reading autobiographies, but not biographies. Because it’s that third person perspective that I just found a bit distancing, I really wanted to step into somebody’s life and live and breathe their challenges. And I’m still a sucker for an autobiography. And I just dream to writing them in. I just think it’s so ironic that now I write LinkedIn profiles for a living. That was my childhood dream. And I have to say, Here I am age 50, pinching myself going Wow, isn’t it funny? How life turns out?
Helga Svendsen 6:12
Ah, so writing people’s stories, writing people’s stories and discovering their stories that well, that is,
Karen Tisdell 6:21
and discovering the themes in the stories, you know, I think what makes a great autobiography, work is having that story arc, but it’s also having a theme. And I think, to turn my own sort of childhood dream into a takeaway for your listeners, I think a lot of people think, you know, I’ve had an executive career, and then maybe I’ve gone into consulting or coaching for a period. And now I’m sitting on board roles, and I’m moving towards that. And I’m still sort of shedding that consulting skin if you like. And I’ve had all these different experiences, how do I shape that into a LinkedIn about section that’s cohesive, and what I love about what I do, is not just the writing people’s stories, but it’s actually doing the puzzle of what are the common themes here, you know, and sometimes people like, there aren’t any common themes. I’ve done this and done that. And, you know, but there’s always common themes. You know, when I, I just love searching for those.
Helga Svendsen 7:17
I agree, it’s, I had a conversation with a group of friends last night about career paths. And one of my friends 17 year old daughter was there, and we were collectively describing some of our careers for her. And one describe the there’s the squiggly line or the straight line, and people were describing which they were. But I think even on a squiggly line career, which is definitely my career, there are themes in there that you can identify, particularly when you look back on them, you might not sit them from the start, but you can see them looking back.
Karen Tisdell 7:46
And I think he talked about it a little bit, or you talked around it in that episode with Cheryl Heyman, about non traditional skills. You know, I think we’re seeing the decade plus that I’ve been running LinkedIn profiles, we’re seeing a real shift towards those non traditional skills. So often, people are coming from a background of change, and communications and marketing. And these roles are increasingly having a seat at that strategic table. Because, you know, yes, we do want you to understand governance. And you know, that’s just absolutely imperative to have in your LinkedIn profile. Because you don’t just want to have one person on the board, I’m sure who’s in charge of, of governance, right? You want to have somebody else who can check it. But I really, I love that episode that you did, because I think it really talks to this idea of making sure that you are looking at all of your skills as a whole, and thinking always about how do they tie back to people in profit? And I think ever since ever since the GFC. You know, I think there is an increasing our people can be our risk, not just our bottom line. So how we’re looking after our people, how are we communicating internally and externally? How strong is our non REM communities? You know, and so many times I see board directors, leave that off their LinkedIn profile? No, no, if you don’t have those words, in your profile, you’re not going to get found in a search. So it’s really important, I think, to look for those patterns in your experience. And don’t feel that you need to be a carbon copy of everybody else.
Helga Svendsen 9:27
In fact, I would think that not being a carbon copy, you know, you need to stand out because of your own unique value proposition for the boardroom. And if you’re the carbon copy of the next person, then the next person could equally be in the role whereas if you’ve got exactly what is needed, and can communicate that
Karen Tisdell 9:46
you’re a carbon copy of everybody else to LinkedIn profile writer Kevin D Turner, you know, you’re not branding, your blanding.
Nobody wants to be blanding right? No
Helga Svendsen 10:00
that well then for the take on board community for people out there, who are they’re either seeking their first board role, or they might be already developing their own board portfolio. What are some of the key things? I mean, I’m hearing some of those lessons in there already. You definitely don’t want to be Blanding, you want to, you know, have your own personal brand in there. But what are some of the key things that board directors should be thinking about in pulling together both their LinkedIn profile and also how they use LinkedIn? I
Karen Tisdell 10:28
I think there’s so many different parts to LinkedIn. But I think it’s really important just just to go on about another episode of yours I loved I really liked and Nellie, is it a Nelly and Nellie Bluebell? Yes, understand an influence and episode. And in it, she spoke about the importance of understanding your audience. That is where I start, you know, so it’s really important to have a look at your background, and think about the common themes and everything you’ve done and sort of put them in a circle if you like, I’m thinking Venn diagram here. So for all your listeners, I’m kind of drawing circles in there, and have that sort of in one circle. And then think of the other circle, as you know, what’s out there in the market? You know, what are people looking for now? What are they going to be looking for in the future, thinking about that people and profit? Where are the overlaps? You know, so where are the pain points, and to have a profile that stands out, and that differentiates, it’s really important that you do talk about what your passion and purpose are, but also about what your drivers have been. And, you know, you can’t share all the nitty gritty details of the organization for x millions to x million or whatever, you can’t share all of that on LinkedIn profile, I don’t think that’s appropriate, I think that’s best for a resume. And if you do get too, in the nitty gritty, then it looks more like a CEO profile, you know, you look to tactical, you do need to talk about being strategic. But thinking about that overlap, you know, what are people asking you? And what do you enjoy doing, if you’ve spent your whole time in a certain sector, and you’ve had a few experiences in another sector, and you think, oh, but that’s actually where I’d be really good, then you want to talk about what it is you want, not just what you have done. And thinking as well about that tactical and strategic, you know, it can be really hard. And you’ve got to work with somebody, not necessarily somebody who’s writing your profile, but you’ve got to work with a girlfriend who’s going to be really strong and really robust, who can cast a second eye over your LinkedIn profile? And say, you are still talking like an executive, you know, you’re still talking like a consultant, or, you know, somebody who’s coming in and is in the delivery. And in the doing, make sure you’ve got that right lens, you know what I mean? How do you you know, you’re nodding, so theoretically there. So you see that same thing, don’t you with with profiles?
Helga Svendsen 12:50
Yeah, I think two parts to it, I think your profile should be partly aspirational, like where you want to go rather than where you actually are. So if you’re in an executive role, or if you’re in your first board role, or whatever it may be, but you’re absolutely seeking to build that, then your profile needs to reflect where you’re going, not where you are. It’s not misrepresenting where you are, but you need the framing of it, I guess, to be around where you want to go in the right keywords. Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. But and particularly like, if you, you know, the operational versus strategic, or operational versus governance is a key one in terms of language. So you need to reflect that in the language there. Although I’m thinking about I’m interested, lots of people do both of those things at once. You know, there’ll be the CEO of this organization, or on the executive team at this organization, and on board roles, and seeking to build their governance portfolio or, and perhaps also building consulting. So what’s your advice there? Where there is, in fact, you know, know, your audience, as you said, What about when there’s different audiences? How do you balance all of that up?
Karen Tisdell 13:54
You’ve got to have a priority, they cannot, they just cannot be even, you cannot say, I’m really writing for my next CEO role. And I’m writing for my board, Korea. So you’ve got to pick one, a little bit more over than the other. Now, I have had a run in with a LinkedIn trainer who I’ve got huge respect for actually. And he’s really great. But he said, All you can’t have more than one objective, I think you can, but it does have to take a second, and maybe even a third priority. If you have created a company page for your consulting role, which it’s free to do under the work tab, scroll to the bottom, create a company page, if your consulting role is taking up too much space. And, you know, it’s all about getting clients that come at the cost. We’ve really got to pick one over the other and make sure that the language and the themes in that and by the language again talking about you know, are you delivery versus strategic, you know, talking to just switch it so that you’re talking about advice use words like guiding, or use words like shaping don’t be too in the doing with this, you know, you’ve got to pick a priority, I’m afraid if you aren’t running a consulting role, and I do have quite a few clients who consulting is a part of what they do. It’s a portfolio
Helga Svendsen 15:20
and the portfolio might be some board roles and consulting.
Karen Tisdell 15:24
Absolutely. And we’ve made the decision. And I’d love to say that, you know, this is just sheer genius. On my side, it’s absolutely not, it’s just been working with my clients and trial and error and seeing what works when we’ve gone and created a company page because I thought that was the right thing to do. And, you know, we’re setting it all up properly. If we make that company page and we make the consulting piece look too big, it can overshadow. So what we’ve done instead is we’ve typed in their self employed. So when you type in, you know the name of your business, which you know, ideally is your name. And then where it says, you know, you on LinkedIn, it’s now asking you is this part time or full time or whatever. So you can actually go in, and you can change all of that. And you can type in the company name, instead of putting your name type in self employed, and it will automatically come up with a logo of two shaking hands. And that looks really nice. So you’ve still got a logo there. But it’s not linking, it’s not overshadowing. So I hope that doesn’t sound too technical and make sense to all those who are thinking, How do I juggle it all?
Helga Svendsen 16:34
That’s my tip, I haven’t done that. I think I’m gonna go back in and do that myself. I don’t have my own page on LinkedIn. So I’m gonna go in and get find myself some shaking hands, I think,
Karen Tisdell 16:43
absolutely. And we’ll make sure it does so that they can look, you know, listeners can go and check out your profile and sort of see what that looks like, does, it looks much better.
Helga Svendsen 16:52
I mean, LinkedIn is a platform, it’s a Live platform. So it can change at any time as in, you can change your profile at any time. So if your priority if we have a number of competing priorities, and if for whatever reason you decide right, now my priority is finding my next board role, then you will write it to reflect that. That’s not to say that in six months time, when you’ve landed that board role, you can’t tweak it again, in some ways. I mean, you don’t want to be doing that every day. But you can do it anytime you like, it’s a Live platform.
Karen Tisdell 17:24
It is. And I also think when you say you don’t want to be doing that every day. I think he actually can do it every day. And what I mean by Shawn, just a wish back a little bit on that, um, because I think sometimes, as women we often get in our own way, don’t we, you know, we often want everything to be absolutely perfect before we upload it. And what I love about LinkedIn is you can do it incrementally. And you’ve always got to think, you know, what’s, what’s the downside of me doing this, you know, and so if you say, I’ll wait until it’s perfect for you know, what, somebody might be headhunting looking for somebody right now. And you’re missing out because you haven’t got anything up there. So even if it’s not perfect, Done is better than perfect. Done. You know what I mean? So you can just incrementally add to it, don’t feel you’ve got to get it all perfect. And 10 just sort of, you know, make some changes, wake up tomorrow, look at it and go like that, you know, you can do that. It’s not like it’s a website, you know, I ran my whole business without having a website until March 2021. You know, and had this amazing work come my way. And whenever I want to go in and change my websites, you know, I break into hives, I get so anxious about it via LinkedIn profile, it’s so easy. So yes, and nobody’s checking, nobody screenshotting it day on day and go, she changed a word, nobody’s doing that.
Helga Svendsen 18:49
Exactly. That the only person that often takes that much notice is yourself, or it’s in the moment when people are looking for you and that you’re right, they won’t be comparing. So speaking of people looking for you, so there’s getting your profile, right, there’s getting the language, right, there’s getting the themes right there is aiming for where you want to go. All of those things, for people looking for you. What’s your advice about the network side of LinkedIn, because you mentioned this earlier about connecting with the right people for it. What’s your advice there?
Karen Tisdell 19:18
So it’s not sadly, it’s not enough to just have a great LinkedIn profile. I wish it was, you know, I mean, even even six years ago, I would write a profile and like two weeks later, people go, Oh, my God, I’ve just been headhunted for a role and I would literally have boxes of champagne and chocolates turned up on my door. Now Now I get emails from clients a fortnight later going to I really have to do all this work. So what’s changed? Is that how you appear when somebody searches for your skills. It is important to have the right keywords through your profile, even if you paid somebody a fortune to create really great profile for you. And then you did nothing on LinkedIn, you would not be found in a search. Because LinkedIn algorithm, its relevancy ranking algorithm, it’s called relevancy ranking, a number of factors come into play. And one of those is how many connections you have, you have to have over 500, in order to be visible. And some board directors still have a smaller number than that, and are proud of having a smaller number than that. You have to be actively direct messaging people, and they have to be responding to you. So that’s really interesting. So if you constantly use your email, you do not have a two way conversation with people. two way conversation can’t be one way seems to hugely impact your relevancy ranking. clients of mine have also noticed that they are being approached more often for roles. And they are, if they create any content, it’s getting greater visibility, if they’ve previously created content, and they’ve got a habit of liking and commenting on other people’s posts. Now, for all of our listeners, there have just stopped there thinking, Oh, this all sounds a bit daunting, it’s a lot of work, you don’t have to be doing all of those things. But just be aware that all those different activities will all increase your relevancy ranking. So unfortunately, LinkedIn is really jumping on board with trying to make itself addictive to its users. And it does incentivize people by rewarding those that playing with it. So it’s not enough, you really got to get into the you know, you see, you’ve got this search bar at the top, top left hand side of your screen. If you’re on mobile, it’s in the middle, you know, you can put something in there like here in Australia, we would put GAICD, which would indicate that you’re a graduate from the Australian Institute of company directors, so GAICD, click search, and then scroll across to where it says all filters. And you can narrow that by second. So your first network we are going you know what is the 123 because LinkedIn do not explain what that is. So one, those are all the people you’re connected to, two, those are all the people who know people that you’re connected to. That’s the sweet spot. Three, you don’t have anybody in common. So search by second so that you can point to people you know, in common search by maybe region or city or in search by industry, and find people and then proactively reach out and connect with them. But don’t just connect for the sake of connecting, you really want to be nurturing relationships. So I’m a big fan of follow up messages, you know. So I think once you’ve connected with somebody, I, I love to leave a follow up message. And I actually do that in a voicemail now I think it’s much warmer than just leaving a written note that says, you know, Thanks for accepting my invitation to connect.
Helga Svendsen 23:06
I think that’s a relatively new thing on LinkedIn. It’s not yesterday, but it’s relatively new that you can do your voice messages through their messaging, bit of LinkedIn, when you leave a message, what do you say?
Karen Tisdell 23:18
Voice messages are so powerful, you’ve only got one minute to leave a voice note, many of your listeners may be connected to you. So just, you know, search up Helga, you know, and you’ll see if you’re connected, you’ve got to be connected, which means you’ve got to have had a virtual connection, coffee with you right? In order to be connected. So once you’ve done that, and you’ve connected click on message in the bottom right hand side, you’ve got a little microphone button. If you click on that microphone button, it’ll bring up a blue dot. When you depress that will start recording. And if you swipe it to the left, or write it or delete it. And so what I always advocate for is having a sandwich a little bit like what are your guess? Was it the one? It was Cheryl who said, Tell anyone who listen what you’re looking for? You know, you don’t?
Helga Svendsen 24:07
I think she’s I think it was yes, yes. If it wasn’t Cheryl, that’s probably a number of guests to be honest, because it’s a pretty common theme, but I think it was Cheryl,
Karen Tisdell 24:15
You’ve got to tell people what you want. So I’m a big fan of letting people know like, always be reminding people what you do, always, people have really short term memories. And if you think you don’t have a short term memory, just, you know, look at some of your acquaintances, not your friends, but your acquaintances, maybe even actually some of your friends and think do I actually know what they do for a living? Do you really is it actually astounded me when I did this exercise once that I didn’t even know what all my friends did for a living. You know, like my acquaintance friends people are friendly with, you know, so you’ve all got to always be telling them and so I like to leave a voice vote, which is a sandwich starting with a thank you and ending with a thank you and in the middle telling People, what you’re looking for. Now, this might seem a bit strong to an initial message, but let me can I leave you an example? I would love it. Yes. And I’m gonna do that. All right. So for all the listeners in it, so when you click on that, that little microphone button and gives you the blue dots, so you press that blue dot, you take a deep breath in, you speak on the outbreath. Very important for women. And I know most of your listeners are women, although we’ve probably got some men here to speaking on the outbreath drops your voice down. And as Australians, it means that your voice goes down at the end of the sentence, not, which means it doesn’t sound like you’re asking a question. So that’s really important. It also means that the first thing your listeners hear is not you going, which sounds really creepy and weird, right? Okay, so deep breath in speaking on the outbreath. Hi, Jose, thank you so much for accepting my invitation. I’m really, really thrilled to be connected with you. You can see that like yourself. I sit on a couple of boards and you know, looking for hopefully new board roles, actually. But it just wanted to reach out and and just say thank you so much for accepting my invite. And I’m really looking forward to supporting your work here. And thanks again. Stay warm. Take care. Bye.
Helga Svendsen 26:13
Lovely. Yeah. Short, sweet, personable, warm. Not creepy, which is always
Karen Tisdell 26:20
worked. And it had an ask. Yeah, had an Ask Nice, nice. Women don’t ask enough. I don’t recommend too. How shall I don’t think women ask enough? You know, it’s listening to this wonderful podcast guest and she’s written a book to Zoe chance. And Zoe chance has just done all these studies showing that it’s just like a Harvard professor or something, saying, you know, women just don’t ask, and I think we’ve got to ask, but you’ve got to do it in an almost incidental way. And it’s not that you’re being manipulative and appearing incidental. You’ve got to genuinely be incidental, you’ve got to be like, Oh, I’m looking for a couple more board roles. And just constantly say it constantly say it constantly say, and who will go? Oh, you know, like, they’ll just remember
Helga Svendsen 27:08
Oh, definitely. Yeah, keep
Karen Tisdell 27:10
it light is not a put on lightness, and actual lightness. It’s got to be heartfelt lightness, you know, and I know, I don’t want to get too religious or spiritual. But I love this this concept, this Buddhist concept of just holding it lightly. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So I think of it like that.
Helga Svendsen 27:30
Oh, Karen, so much wonderful tips here. Like we’ve talked about profiles and some tips there. We’ve talked about posting and content, and including messages, which I love and networks, what are the key things you want people to take away from the conversation that we’ve had today?
Karen Tisdell 27:49
I think people should have an about section. I know, we haven’t even spoken about the about and the headline section. But I think people should have a headline section that’s the bit that sits underneath your name. The default isn’t it’s just a position title. You’ve got 220 characters there. Use them, please use them. Like seriously, you know, don’t just have non Executive Director have non Executive Director, chair, you know, GAICD, you know, name your your passions, your areas, maybe its governance, maybe it’s changed, maybe its culture? What is it make it something other than strategy? Maybe it’s tech innovation, you know, what’s your thing? So 220 characters, use them. In your headline. With your about section, a little part of me just goes, Oh, whenever I, whenever I see, I am a senior leader with 25 years experience in just look like everybody else. I really love an about section that starts with a quote or a truism, or something that just makes your audience go yes. You know, so think, you know, it’s not going to make everybody go yes, it’s just the right people, you know, so you know, that might be something like I wrote for a client, navigating ambiguity is an imperative. Full stop. And then we spoke about how through all of her career, she had navigated ambiguity and had a background as an engineer. And another one, we all want to see advancements, I think, was in medicine, or some you all want to see advancements, but the journey from ideation to commercialization, you know, so something that just starts a little bit more interesting, then I am a senior leader. Yes, and contact details are my gosh, be accessible. You know, I think we all have a fear of spam because we’re just getting so much more of it now. So you can have it in your contact info section, the default now, thanks to the GDPR and in the UK, the default is that only your first connections can see your contact details. And so I quite like having contact details at the bottom If the about section, and again, having an ask in there, you know, I’m currently open to another board role or to, you know, or something or the right board role, you can have some that might have an ask, keep it light. And you can have contact details in there, because it’s not very easy to scrape the about section. I don’t think that can be done. Sorry that those were big two takeaways. But yes, those would be my big takeaways. Work on your about section and have a headline, yeah, great
Helga Svendsen 30:27
pieces of advice. And you’re right, I don’t think you know, in terms of contact details, absolutely making them easy. And I don’t, you’re more likely to get spam in your LinkedIn inbox than you are your email inbox from having your contact details in LinkedIn. So use them I say, Yeah, great,
Karen Tisdell 30:42
and a little bit of irritation versus opportunities. You just want to flatten the path to being reached.
Helga Svendsen 30:49
Yeah. How hard is it to delete spam? So you know, is there a results you would like to share with the take on board community?
Karen Tisdell 30:56
I’ve got so many resources, so many resources that sometimes I worry, you know, I don’t want to be overwhelming people with going oh, I’ve got this and got that. So what I really love is for people to reach out to me on LinkedIn, come find me on LinkedIn KAREN TISDELL
Helga Svendsen 31:13
we’ll make sure we put a link in the show notes too. So people can definitely find it.
Karen Tisdell 31:17
Yeah, reach out to me on LinkedIn, and I will find the right resources for you. And I will send them to you.
Helga Svendsen 31:22
Fantastic. Well, like I say, yes, we’ll definitely put a link to your LinkedIn. In the show notes, people can check out your profile and connect with you. Oh, thank you so much for firstly, reaching out to me on LinkedIn, for being open to a virtual kappa so we could have an initial conversation. And third. And finally, and I’m sure it won’t be the final in terms of our interactions, but for being here and sharing some of your wisdom with the take on board community today. I have loved our conversation and I’m sure the take on board community will as well.
Karen Tisdell 31:53
My pleasure. Thank you so much. It’s been great to be here. Thank you
Helga Svendsen runs group and individual programs for board directors looking to build on governance experience and explore challenges in a safe environment. Find out more about her work here